


皮革物性 | 日本皮革研究所

Physical Properties of Leather 232

Physical Properties of Leather | Smithsonian Physical Tables, P232


革の種類 引張強さ [lb/in2] 伸び率 [%]
なめし 厚さ [mm] 1000 [lb/in2] 負荷時 切断時
カンガルー クロム 0.8 7000 15 40
ディアスキン クロム 2.0 6500 26 58
ベルティングレザー(ステアハイド) ベジタブル 4.4 6000 6 25
ホースハイド(衣料用) クロム 1.6 6000 14 60
カーフスキン ベジタブル 1.2 6000 5 29
キッドスキン(子ヤギ革) クロム 0.8 5000 19 59
靴用甲革 クロムリタン 2.4 4500 15 40
カーフスキン クロム 1.2 4500 8 36
靴底(ステアハイド) ベジタブル 5.2 3500 4 15
コードバン(ホースハイド・バット) 1.2 2000 22 28
シープシェアリング(羊毛革) 1.2 1500 25 38

  1. ベジタブルのホースハイド
  2. クロムのホースハイド、ベジタブルのカーフスキン・カウハイド・ステアハイド
  3. クロムのカーフスキン・カウハイド・ステアハイド
8) Which is better Horsehide or Cowhide?
 There is no right answer to this question.
 Horsehide is denser and has more tensile strength than Cowhide of the same thickness. Thus you can get a thinner holster that is just as strong.・・・

8) ホースハイドとカウハイドは、どちらが良い革か?

FAQ | H.B.E. Specialty LeatherWorks

Air Force News

Air Force News ~ Jan-Jun 1932, P126

 Horsehide is used for the outer covering instead of calfskin. This material has a non-scuffing feature and is less heavy and bulky and more flexible than the calfskin.


2. What type of tanning is used in your leather?
 KRAMER horsehide holsters are made with Bark tanned horsehide. Our cowhide holsters use vegetable tanned leather. The advantages of these tannages is that they provide a leather that will not cause your weapon to rust or corrode the way chrome tanned leather can do when the gun is left in it for extended periods of time. Chrome tanned leather is loaded with salts and chemicals that can destroy the finish on your gun. Want to know if a piece of leather is tanned using the chrome process? Simply cut a splinter size silver of leather and hold a flame to it. If the resultant fire has a greenish flame, the leather has been tanned using a chrome process.

2. なめしの種類は?
 KRAMER のホースハイドのホルスターはタンニンなめしで、また、カウハイドのホルスターは植物なめしです。このような植物タンニンなめしの革に銃を放置しても銃は錆びませんが、クロムなめしの革には塩と化学薬品が入っているので、銃が傷みます。革がクロムなめしかどうか知りたい場合は、燃やしてみるいいでしょう。もし緑がかった炎ならば、その革はクロムなめしです。

7. Is horsehide really better for holster making than cowhide?
 Horsehide is an extremely dense, non-porous leather. Until the end of the 1930's horsehide was the leather of choice for products that required extreme durability. The density and non-porous nature of horsehide which makes it such a durable leather, is also the reason that horsehide does not dye uniformly in colors other than black. ・・・ Horsehide holsters will last longer and withstand considerably more abuse than a cowhide counterpart. U.S. Navy SEAL TEAMS use our horsehide rigs for extended salt water operations. Cowhide will not stand up this kind of use. YES, there is no question about it, horsehide is more durable than cowhide. This however, is not say that cowhide doesn't make a fine holster that will provide many years of hard service if properly cared for. But, if you want the ultimate in holster leather, horsehide is the answer.

7. ホルスターには、カウハイドよりもホースハイドが本当に良いのでしょうか?
 ホースハイドは非常に線維密度が高く、通気性が無い革です。1930年代の終わりまで、ホースハイドは耐久性が非常に必要とされた製品に使われていました。線維の詰まった通気性の無い特性が、ホースハイドを丈夫にしているのですが、それはまた、黒以外の色では均一には染まらない理由でもあるのです。・・・ ホースハイドのホルスターは、カウハイドのホルスターよりも長持ちし、かなりの酷使に耐えるでしょう。米海軍特殊部隊のネイビーシールズは、海での軍事行動に当社のホースハイドのホルスターを使っています。カウハイドでは、海軍の使用条件に耐えられないでしょう。YES、確かにその通りで、ホースハイドはカウハイドよりも丈夫なのです。さりとて、カウハイドでは素晴らしいホルスターができないということではありません。しかし、もし貴方が究極のホスルターをお望みならば、ホルスターにはホースハイドが良いという回答になります。

Frequently Asked Questions | Kramer Handgun Leather

 ・・・ Vegetable tanned horsehide is extremely firm-grained, dense and water repellent. And one of the more notable properties of horsehide is its natural ability to repel moisture. This is due to the dense cell structure of the hide.・・・


 ・・・ Unlike cowhide, horsehide's non-porous dense nature reduces its ability to fully absorb the molding solution during the forming process, making it much more complex to get good detail of the weapon, but it can be done if you have the skill. Some holster makers claim horsehide can't look as good as cowhide after the molding process. We disagree with them 100%. With High Noon Holsters' special forming process it can be done and look just as detailed as cowhide.・・・


What's the difference between horsehide and cowhide? | High Noon Holsters




A-2 and G-1 Flight Jackets: Hell-Bent for Leather, pp.30-31

 The G-1 differed from the A-2 in a number of ways. The Navy opted for the more abrasion resistant goatskin. Horsehide ranks fifth on the durability scale, goatskin second. Goatskin is almost as durable as the stiff inflexible, iron-like kangaroo skin, yet it is extremely soft. The softness was a subtle consideration when it came to tailoring the jacket. Goatskin "drapes better," Willis & Geiger's Burt Avedon explains, so that "it took to slightly more exotic designs."
 One reason that the Navy could use goatskin may have been that the Navy had the supply ships to bring goatskins from Persia and Afghanistan through India. One source, however, doubts that the Navy was in the commercial import business per se. Goatskin was more expensive than horsehide, but since the Nave had fewer pilots than the AAC, they could afford it.

 G-1は多くの点でA-2と違った。海軍は傷により強いゴートスキンを選んだ。耐久性評価では、ホースハイドは5位で、ゴートスキンは2位である。ゴートスキンは、硬く柔軟性がなく鉄のようなカンガルースキンと同じくらいの耐久性があるにもかかわらず、とても柔らかい。ジャケットを仕立てる場合、その柔軟性によって微妙な違いがでた。ゴートスキンは「シルエットがより美しく」、その結果、「少し魅惑的なデザインになった」とWillis & Geiger社のBurt Avedon氏が説明します。